Jmp training
Jmp training


You see the bar charts and frequency distributions for the two categorical variables. When we click OK, JMP produces analyses for all four variables. We'll include the two continuous variables - height and weight - as Y, Columns. You can also drag the variables to the Y, Columns role. To do this, we select the variables in the columns list and click Y, Columns. We'll launch the Distribution platform, which is used to analyze one variable at a time. The type of analysis you choose depends on your analysis goal, and your data. Many analyses are available from the Analyze menu. Let's re-create this analysis using the JMP menus. The script was also saved with mosaic plots, which is an option from the analysis red triangle menu. JMP automatically produces bar charts and frequency distributions for each variable. These are both categorical variables: age is coded as ordinal, and sex is nominal. When you click the green icon, JMP produces a distribution analysis for age and sex.


You can also write your own JSL code to extend the functionality of JMP. Saving scripts to the data table makes it easy to save your work and repeat your analyses. These scripts are written in JSL, or the JMP scripting language.

jmp training jmp training

This data table also has some saved scripts. In the table panel, you can store notes about the data. It also tells you whether you've selected, excluded, hidden, or labeled any of the rows. The rows panel tells you how many rows you have. The modeling type you select here affects the types of analyses and graphs that JMP produces. You can change the modeling type of a variable by clicking on the icon in the columns panel. And the green bars represent ordinal data, or ordered categories. The red bars are for nominal data, or unordered categories. Continuous data are numbers, where calculating an average or having a decimal place make sense. The blue triangles represent continuous data. The icons next to the variable names represent the modeling types. In the columns panel, you see the number of columns, or variables, and the types of variables. Data tables in JMP consist of columns and rows, and the panels on the side tell you about your data. These are data on 233 students, aged 11 to 16. We use the file, which is found under the Help menu in the Sample Data Library. You also see the Tip of the Day window, which provides shortcuts and tips for using JMP. The home window makes it easy to see recently opened files and to navigate between open windows. When you first open JMP on a Windows machine, you see a home window. We use JMP on a Microsoft Windows machine, but JMP also runs natively on a Mac.

jmp training


You also learn how to create basic data summaries and graphs. You learn about JMP menus, data tables, and the JMP interface.


In this video, you learn the basics of how to use JMP statistical discovery software from SAS.

Jmp training