How Exciting is that?! We were prophecied over!!ĭay Three - Monday, JGod Just Kept Movin'!! By this point waking up to roosters cawing and dogs barking at 4:00 every morning was getting a little annoying but it at least kept me from sleeping in to late! lol Anyways we started off the day helping out with Pastor Phillipe's VBS. It was so great! Later on in the week we found out that after that night a woman in the neighborhood had prophecied to Pastor David's wife that we would change the neighborhood for Jesus because we worshiped with the Hatians and like the Hatians do. They were a youth group, and one of their sponsors, Aaron was a worship leader, and we had an amazing worship session in the streets for everyone to hear! Me and Aaron had only met a couple hours before and it was so awesome how we just came together without hardly even practicing and just worshiped spontaneously. That afternoon, the other half of the team arrived.
DJ went on a missions trip to Haiti with her church a while ago like the one we went on this week and fell in love with Haiti, and now her and her awesome 13 year old bro, Cody are serving God in Haiti all summer on their own! It was so awesome to have long discussions with DJ and Marcio about faith and Jesus and sharing our stories and stuff and teach Cody how to play guitar and see him interact with the Hatian kids like his own brothers and sisters. I met two of the most inspiring people I've ever met and some great new friends - DJ and Cody. We walked down the street and just about 100 feet from our house we got into a conversation with about 5 or so teenage boys and long story short we talked to them for a while about Jesus 3 said they wanted to accept Jesus in their heart and Calvin prayed with a translator for them to be saved! The craziest thing is that if we would've gone according to our plans we wouldn't have even been there!! but according to God's plans we just happened to be there a day earlier because our flights were changed and we just happened to be in that neighborhood because of the plumbing and electricity problem in the other house! God is so Good!! When we got back to the house we moved our things upstairs and got unpacked and settled in and kinda just chilled and we met some other people who were staying there. After the family left for church Marcio took us on a prayer walk through the neighborhood (if you don't know what a prayer walk is, it's basically when you walk around and ask people if you can pray for them). We spent probly about two or 3 hours on their front porch, waiting for a team upstairs to leave, as the family got ready for church.

Day Two - Sunday, JGod Immediately Started Working! The next morning we had to move to another place because the plumbing and electricity in the house we were in weren't working so we loaded up and headed to Pastor David's (and his wife and 7 children) house where we stayed the rest of the week.